What is PTSR?  PTSR is Post Traumatic Stress Response. Attaching the word ‘disorder’ to post traumatic stress places the trauma in definable categories which someone diagnosed with the condition might fit. I don’t believe we are meant to fit in categories.  I have worked many years with physical and psychological trauma. From military, auto accidents, family abuse, severe sports injury and so on. I have never found attaching a...

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Acupuncture as a treatment has become more and more popular for the relief of pain. However, Asian Medicine as a whole is a complete medical modality. Some regard acupuncture as a type of treatment, while others regard acupuncture as a medical system. Japanese Kototama Medicine is a medical system, that includes acupuncture, moxibustion, manual therapy and joint and soft tissue manipulation as tools to aid in the treatment of disease and...

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Dr. Meyer and staff are fully vaccinated and we continue to follow CDC and New Mexico COVID safe practice guidelines. Allergy season seems to have started early with a bit more intensity than years past. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine are great alternatives to allergy drugs for symptom relief . As we know our immune system defends our body against infection. Therefore, it is essential that during this time of severe viral infections our...

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We Are Open

We closed the office March 13th due to the Corrona Virus. On June 8th we reopened the office and are following new strict safety guidelines. These guildlines include: wearing face masks at all times, taking temperatures and hand washing. We also stager patient appointments to give plenty of time for cleaning both treatment room and waiting area after each patient visit. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these sressful...

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