Your Horse
Dr. Meyer’s Oriental Medical Practice includes Energetic Grooming instruction. Energetic Grooming is a method of grooming your horse that integrates basic grooming methodology with an understanding of physical and energetic patterns and a basic understanding of Asian Physical Therapy. Utilizing Dr. Meyer’s unique evaluation method, basic tools of grooming, human hands and your heart you can reestablish physical and energetic balance in your horse while exercising basic grooming techniques.
Why is balance important? As in humans, animals are in a constant state of maintaining homeostasis or balance. When balance (energetic and/or physical) is skewed through diet, stress of competition, injury, mis-treatment, medication, even an ill fitting saddle it can effect the overall well being of your horse.
“I use the energetic grooming techniques that I learned from Dr. Meyer on horses, dogs, and even my cat, every time I touch them. It has become a valuable tool for communication, health evaluation, and treatment, and I see immediate changes in the animals’ postures, mood, and energy. I’ve even found the spot that gets my picky cat to eat her food! I have also found that the mustangs I work with respond and relax sooner when I approach our contact with the kind of intention and awareness that Dr. Meyer teaches in his Energetic Grooming seminars. I highly recommend learning these techniques to anyone who works closely with horses or other animals and who recognizes that the value in health and balance is not simply longevity, but also deeper working relationships.”
—Laura, Horse Trainer, Santa Fe, NM